My blog exists to help new and experienced homeschooling parents and classroom teachers enrich the lives of their learners through affordable, fun, and, engaging learning resources. It also aims to encourage and inspire educators along the way!
Here are five things I want to help my audience with:
- Encourage and Comfort Families Who Homeschool
Many parents are stressed about how they can support their child efficiently and effectively while learning at home, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many families were forced into a predicament they had no clear direction on how to handle. Many families are extremely overwhelmed with juggling worksheets, workbooks, prerecorded videos, live lessons, and so many other traditional school requirements.
I want to be someone who they can relate to, lean on, and look for when it comes to the best advice to help them make homeschooling decisions during this frustrating time.
- Empower Families with the Skills to Teach their Children at Home
I want to show parents and teachers how to plan, organize, and strategize to help establish healthy routines to promote positive homeschooling, learning experiences for their children. I especially want to show parents how they already have the skills needed to teach their children, as they are their child’s first teacher, to begin with.
But parents and families need to know how to tap into these skills and use them according to their own abilities and limitations to support their kids on a daily basis. Parents need easy steps, ideas, schedules, and methods to follow that don’t require them to teach for hours at a time or gather dozens of expensive, bundled curriculum sets. These steps and methods need to be bite-sized to help them better digest as each new learning day comes and to avoid fatigue and burn out – because homeschooling ain’t easy!
- Provide Affordable, Early Learning Resources and Lessons for Families and Teachers
I want to provide parents and teachers with learning resources that are easy to use and implement at home and in the classroom. These resources should be affordable and packed with value and simplicity for the busy homeschooling parent and classroom teacher. I also want to provide parents access to enroll in my live and/or prerecorded courses for their learners. These courses are meant to supplement the learners’ home education, but also to provide ideas, encouragement, and strategies for parents to use in their child’s daily instruction beyond my courses.
- Bring Joy and Excitement to Children’s Learning Day through My Online Classes
Through my online courses (live and prerecorded), I want to instill within my learners a newfound love and passion for learning. I want them to see learning as fun and exciting as they look forward to new learning experiences each day.
Children are the core of why I am so passionate about what I do. They are my motivation to keep producing content and resources that are truly inspiring.
- Write a Weekly Blog Post to Help Families and Early Educators on their Schooling Journey
I want to provide weekly homeschooling tips and advice to further encourage families on their homeschooling journey. These tips will be packed with useful and relatable information from my own personal experience. I want families to feel like they CAN do this by taking small steps and doing what works for them and not focusing on what may be working for another family.
I also want to provide early educators with tips on how to implement certain concepts or routines in their classrooms to help their classroom run more smoothly and to continuously build deeper engagement with their learners.
I am very passionate about what I do as an early educator and homeschooling mom. What I have learned took years of time, failures, mistakes, and plenty of tears to grow and expand.
I want to encourage families and early educators that as a community, we can learn, grow, and overcome challenges together. We SHOULD NOT do it alone.
I hope to inspire you as you pursue your homeschooling and teaching goals.