Was Specifically Designed for YOU (and here’s why)
I am tired of looking around and hearing so many negative opinions about homeschooling. So many people are struggling with it, and I have yet to find a solid resource that clearly outlines how families can achieve their own unique homeschool success without losing their minds.
So I decided to build it. Let me explain. Was Designed for Families and Teachers Who Teach Young Children
I understand and have learned it isn’t enough to simply give curriculum and resources to new parents and teachers who have no experience with implementing what they have been given. Just like children must be taught new things, those who teach them also must be taught how to swim in new waters so THEY are equipped to teach their children or students.
Thus, Ms. Tessa’s Classroom is here to not only provide curriculum, resources, and courses, but to also educate homeschoolers and early educators how they can implement and use these tools in their homes or classrooms and to simply encourage the early educator when the going gets tough – because the going will get tough.
We are living in times where parents are being pressured into unfamiliar assignments, and teachers are being thrust into new environments. Where can we find balance in all of this? Where can we find encouragement through all of this? Books, papers, videos, and pencils are not enough. Rather, children need daily, enriching experiences with PEOPLE and their ENVIRONMENT. They need to see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. They thrive in these types of learning environments.
Ms. Tessa’s Classroom aims to help homeschoolers and classroom educators guide their children and students into these types of healthy, learning environments – safely – even through a pandemic.
NOTHING is impossible. One simply needs the right tools and encouragement to get started.
Resources to Help You
Ms. Tessa’s Classroom will provide resources and tips in subjects like:
Language Arts & Literacy – resources to help learners in their beginning stages of reading, writing, and literacy as a whole
Math – resources to help learners with beginning math concepts to strengthen their number sense and critical thinking skills
Science & Sensory – resources to help learners explore basic science concepts and cool science experiments using all of their five senses
Social Studies & Geography – resources to help learners explore the world and people around them
Art – resources to help your learner express their inner creativity
Spanish – resources to help learners practice introductory vocabulary and phrases of the Spanish language
Learning should be fun for both the educator and the student. But learning can’t be fun if the educator is underprepared and the student is disengaged.
Ms. Tessa’s Classroom has a goal to equip homeschool and classroom teachers and educators with the right tools, resources, and tips to keep their learners engaged, having fun, and inspired with every new learning opportunity.